structure for sample display

Memorial, 53 Mosquitoes


53 Mosquitoes was initially an installation the artist made in the studio at Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, ME, summer 2015. During the residency, the artist kept track of each day and time that he killed a mosquito in the studio by writing next to its dead body on the wall. This book is a memorial book to the fallen, featuring drawings of each mosquito he killed. Each page corresponds to one day of the nine-week residency at Skowhegan, resulting in a document of his experience and a recreation of the studio installation in chronological order rather than spatial dimension.

Published by Press for Arts
Edited & Designed by Tadao Kawamura
Edition of 500 copies
128 pages Paperback
17.8 x 12.7 cm

Avairable at

Printed Matter, New York
ARTBOOK @ MoMA PS1, New York

NADiff, Tokyo












© 2020 Nobutaka Aozaki 青崎伸孝Friday, 28-Mar-2025 18:28:09 EDT