From Here To There (Detail)
, 2012

       The artist walks around the city, by getting directions from other people

       From Here To There (Brooklyn)
, installation view at Brooklyn Museum, NY 2014

       From Here To There (Brooklyn) (Detail)
, 2014

           From Here To There (Queens)
, Installation view at Queens Museum, NY 2013

       From Here To There (Queens) (Detail)
, 2013

       From Here To There (Brussels)
, Installation view at SOCIÉTÉ, Brussels 2019

           From Here To There (Brussels) (Detail)
, 2019

       From Here To There (Minatomachi, Nagoya)
, 2019

       From Here To There (Minatomachi, Nagoya) (Detail)
, 2019

From Here to There (Manhattan)

2012 -
Various pens and paper, map pins
Dimensions variable  

A map of Manhattan composed of hand-drawn maps by various pedestrians whom I asked for directions. I have collected and aggregated together small individual maps provided by strangers that constitute a contiguous map of the island of Manhattan.

Pretending to be a tourist by wearing a souvenir cap and carrying a shopping bag of Century 21, a major tourist shopping place, I ask various New York pedestrians to draw a map to direct me to another location. I connect and place these small maps based on actual geography in order to make them function as parts of a larger map.



From Here to There (Manhattan)






From Here to There (Brooklyn)

2014 -
Various pens and paper, map pins
Dimensions variable

From Here to There (Queens)

2013 -
Various pens and paper, map pins
Dimensions variable

From Here to There (Brussels)

Various pens and paper, map pins
Dimensions variable

From Here to There (Minatomachi, Nagoya)

Various pens and paper
Dimensions variable










© 2020 Nobutaka Aozaki 青崎伸孝Monday, 30-Dec-2024 11:58:31 EST