Grocery Portraits #1 (Classon Ave & Willoughby St, Brooklyn, NY)
, 2019

                      Grocery Portraits #2 (231 St & Broadway, Bronx, NY)
, 2019

                      Grocery Portraits #3 (Dekalb Ave & Wyckoff Ave, Ridgewood, Queens, NY)
, 2019

Installation view

                      Grocery Portraits #Manhattan (3 Ave & E 11 St, NY)
, 2020

                      Grocery Portraits #Manhattan (Broadway & Dyckman St, NY)
, 2020

       Grocery Portraits #Minatomachi01 (Kinjo Futo Rte, Minatomachi, Nagoya)
, 2019

       Grocery Portraits #Minatomachi02 (Kinjo Futo Rte, Minatomachi, Nagoya)
, 2019

       Grocery Portraits #Minatomachi03 (Egawasen, Minatomachi, Nagoya)
, 2019

       Grocery Portraits #Minatomachi
, installation view at Assembridge, Nagoya 2019

Photo credit: Installation photos of Groceries Portraits #1,2,3 by Tom Starkweather, NADA Miami installation photo by Silvia Ros (Photo courtesy: Ulterior gallery), MInatomachi installation photo by Ryohei Tomita (Photo courtesy:Assembridge NAGOYA Executive Committee)

Groceries Portraits


Archival pigment print and found shopping list; receipt on verso

Groceries Portraits are based on shopping lists that I find on the street in my everyday travel throughout the city. I shop for the groceries that appear on the lists, and photograph them as portraits of unknown persons. The resulting photographs are shown alongside the original shopping lists and reflect the cultures and personalities of the diverse inhabitants and communities in the city.

See more Groceries Portraits of NYC at

Groceries Portraits


Archival pigment print、拾った買い物リスト、レシート













© 2020 Nobutaka Aozaki 青崎伸孝Friday, 28-Mar-2025 18:37:20 EDT