Lucky Competitive Cats (Gold 7" 2016_A)
, 14x15x9inches / 35.6x38.1x22.9cm, 2016

       Lucky Competitive Cats (White 6" 2016_01_A)
, 11x28x10inches / 27.9x71.1x25.4cm, 2016

       Room full of cats competing

Lucky Competitive Cats

Fortune cat statues, wooden pedestals, AA batteries, thread, and bill  

Two readymade lucky cats (Maneki-Neko in Japanese) are facing each other and their hands are tied with a thread and pulling a bill in the air back and forth as if they are fighting for fortune.



Lucky Competitive Cats



二匹(もしくはそれ以上)の既製品の招き猫を向かい合わせ、それぞれの片手を1ドル札を挟み込んだ紐で結わえ、お互いの腕を引っ張り合わせるように配置した作品。 電池仕掛けで腕が動く仕組みのため、まるで招き猫が財運を奪い合っているようにも見える。  












© 2020 Nobutaka Aozaki 青崎伸孝Friday, 28-Mar-2025 18:00:22 EDT