Various advertisements posted on the street (Eldridge St East Broadway, September 20, 2018,
       Rutsger St Madison St, September 26, 2018 Willouby St Hall St, October 4, 2018 )

       The tabs are kept on gridded vellum papers with the notes of when and where I encountered
       them in the city

       An excerpt page from the data sheet in which information of ads are entered. The categories are
       name of business, type of business, contact infomation, and location and day that they are found,
       which language the ads are written.

       Installation view of the exhibition at Wollaman Hall, New School, 2017

       Contributed classified page for local newspaper project "Round Robin" by Sue Jeong Ka

Photo credit: Installation photos at New School by Marc Tatti



Collection of street advertisement tabs and photographs

I have been collecting the tear-off tabs of street advertisements posted by people looking for various things, most typically jobs, tenants for rooms, or the sales of goods. For each tab, I make a note of the date and location where I encountered them in the city as well as type of business. The tabs have usually a telephone number or other contact information. I also photograph the flyers as well to record whole picture of advertisements. These street advertisements reflect the surrounding local economies and the collection together shows subtle arrangements in the social landscape–the geographic composition of people and their communities in the city.



Collection of street advertisement tabs and photographs

街中に貼られた多種多様なチラシの千切って持って帰ってもよい連絡先の部分の収集を、チラシを発見した場所と時間の記録と共に、行なっている。 またチラシの全体は写真に撮影されて保存されている。街中に貼られる(個人の)広告は、(直接的には)その地域の経済状況を反映しているが、収集した広告の一部を全体的に眺めると、その地域の住民や共同体の分布を地理的に表す社会的景観が浮かび上がってくる。 また個々人によって無作為に貼られ、通りがかりの他者によって自由に持ち去られるチラシというシステムは、高度に情報化された現代のコミュニケーション方法からの逸脱を図っているようである。 



Postings (telephone book project)

The collection of street advertisement flyers also functions as a telephone directory of variety of businesses, organized by business categories and geographic locations and day that they are found. I entry the information on collected advertisements into data base to make my personal telephone book with which I can introduce their businesses to other people.




Postings (installation)


Collection of street advertisement tabs

A skyline of the city made from the collection of found street advertisements tear-off. The tabs, sorted based on the locations they are found in the city. They together reveal subtle arrangements in the social landscape and the geographic composition of communities in the city.

Postings (installation)


Collection of street advertisement tabs




Postings (Classified)

2017, 2018

Photographs of street advertisements

Classified pages for local newspaper composed of photographs of street advertisements found on the Lower East Side/ Two Bridge neighborhood in Manhattan. The advertisements are categorized by kind of business and marked with the date and location that they are found. These street advertisements reflect the surrounding local economies. There are few areas in New York, including Lower East Side, where people, mostly immigrants, still heavily rely on flyers written in their native languages because of work restrictions due to their immigration status and language barriers. The people posting for help are also often immigrants themselves running small businesses.

Postings (Classified)

2017, 2018

Photographs of street advertisements













© 2020 Nobutaka Aozaki 青崎伸孝Friday, 28-Mar-2025 17:46:32 EDT